Бие даасан, Хариуцлагатай шүүхийн төлөө
Judge tsogt's tour to New York State Courts

DESPITE AN ARDUOUS JOURNEY AND JAMPACKED ITINERARY, MONGOLIAN JUDGE TSOGT TSEND was looking sharp yet relaxed on a recent visit to the Big Apple, where he met with judges and administrators from the New York state courts, also observing courtroom proceedings. Since Mongolia's communist government gave way to a democratic republic following the breakup of the former Soviet Union, this central Asian nation has been on a path of judicial reform, with Judge Tsend seeking some fresh ideas to take home to his colleagues. Appointed nearly two years ago to the newly established administrative court in his native Ulaanbaatar—Mongolia's capital and home to some 50 percent of this nation's three million citizens—Judge Tsend, at 31, is one of his country's youngest jurists. For continue click here http://www.nycourts.gov/reports/jpn/JPN3_06.pdf

783 уншигдсан.

Сэтгэгдэл бичихийн тулд нэвтэрсэн байх шаардлагатай. Та бүртгэлгүй бол энд дарж бүртгүүлээд нэвтрээд, бүртгэлтэй бол энд дарж нэвтрээд сэтгэгдэл оруулах боломжтой.


2008-01-25 -

Бичсэн: amendu

sain baina shuu, Tsogtoo
chamd bayar hurgej amjilt husye

. Шууд холбоос
